Friday, August 03, 2007


Thanks for the Anagraming!

Thanks to Emawkc I have been forced to change the title page. Less Elk Limbs...I like it!

I really have nothing, today is one of those days that if I had no 11:30 meeting, I would have worked from home in my jammies. I need more sleep, but I just can't stop watchiung all of the cool shows on the TV box late at night. Has anyone else been watching the show on AMC called Mad Men? I really like this show! it is such a testament to days gone by. Not only that but they have been, so far, historically accurate in their portrayal of the advertising companies at the end of WWII.

That and all of the bullshit that was "unspeakable" during that era of American bliss. Like divorce, and the hazards of smoking, and racial tensions between the WASPS and the Jews. Not to mention the soon to be boiling point of racial equality of the black man.

I just find it exceptionally well written and superbly acted. It is worth a watch...even if you are coming into the 4 episode next week, still easy to catch up on the main points. Here is what the website has for a over view:

"Set in 1960 New York, Mad Men is about the lives of the competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising. The task of making this era and locale tangible falls to the production's property master Scott Buckwald. In this photo essay Scott explains the unique challenges that he and his department needed to overcome in order recreate an accurate vision of corporate and home life in 1960's New York."

Anyway no anger or rants until Monday. Enjoy the weekend!

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