Wednesday, February 15, 2006


New and improved, yet still lemony fresh...

I leave tomorrow for a business trip to cold and dreary TX. Well at least that is what the site says it is going to be. This trip could be the break that I am looking for in my …career? That seems such an “80’s” thing to say. I guess I’m one of the Peter Pan Syndrome guys who just don’t feel necessary to grow up. But since I have a girl who loves me and a great place and a ½ ass decent job, I should maybe start thinking about setting up a committee to discuss my possible growing up at this juncture.



But it all goes well I be (Start humming Katrina and the Waves) Walking on sunshine Oh aa, just walking on sunshine…..

Last night (Valentines for those of you keeping score) I surprised Bouby with a new stuffed monkey, some dark chocolate, and a cute card. We went out for the dinner and a cocktail and then we played catch up on the Gilmore Girls (one of the best written shows on TV) and House. I love Dr. House. He has some of the best one liners in TV. There was no snuggling involved because when we do that it generally gets into heavy breathing, and with both of us still trying to get over the Martian phlegm factory play set, I figured it would make us pass out before the happy ending due to a lack of air of one HUGE coughing fit that causes a lung to collapse. But we did reschedule for later…Well at least I did!

Even if she is still sick I, I have a stack of Dirty magazines this high! (picture if you will the original National Lampoon’s “Vacation”).

So anyway wish me luck on my continuing effort to make some hard earned cash, or at least so that I can hit the power ball and take everyone to lunch for some nice fresh jerk chicken…..IN JAMACIA!! Yeah MON!

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