Sunday, August 28, 2005


So fucking tired...

I have been feeling a touch under the strain of work lately, Like as in last Friday I left 3 hours early because I just couldn’t handle dealing with my stupid fucking clients any more. I wish I could tell you who it was but I cannot. If I did that and someone found out I was bad mouthing my clients to the World Wide Web….well I could get in trouble and be forced to work at this company until I’m old and grey, or at least until I was dead.

Needless to say I am still furious at the events on Friday. It was a 2 hour session of emails that basically said “Hey I’m glad you goy your work done but we think that even though we told you all of the samples are right, we still don’t believe that what we OK’ed is what you have been sending us.”

Confused yet? I know I was. I reassured them that WHAT WE HAVE SENT THEM WAS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED and that they approved, Actually I didn’t write that email I was so pissed of at these fucking asswads I had to have someone else write something that was a little less “FUCK YOU, YOUFUCKING RETARDS, BEFORE I FUCK YOU IN THE MOUTH AND ASSHOLE!!! Cocksuckers.

So anyway I’m still pissed and I wish I would have never landed this client. Or better still I wish our fearless leader hadn’t gave away the store to get them to play ball with us. But I hope that soon enough I will be free of these bonds and I can start doing something I like more then just this kind of shit. I don’t know what yet but I keep praying and dreaming. I know a place that is for sale that is big enough to house almost any industry, and it is in the heart of Kansas where there is still a decent work ethic and lots of bored/semi bored farm kids that are looking for something to do. And at 33K square foot for $75K it is a steal. Of course it is in a town with a population of 740 and that includes a 25 mile radius of farm country. So yeah it is small and mostly redneck, but the outdoor stuff is all there and the booze flows like water.

So if anyone knows anyone looking for a GREAT business manager, and a cool location to move a business or if you just want to give/loan me $150,000 so I can get my hunting lodge up and running with complete room and board, and a disco. If I know hunters and I do, I know there is nothing better at the end of a long hunt, then a night of relaxing disco dancing and carousing with underage big assed farm girls looking for a sugar daddy. It is what all great hunters strive for. Stalking deer and doing the Hustle…there is nothing better in life…well except What Conan says is best in life…..To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of the women.

Why did I have to be born so damned sexy instead of rich. I would rather be rich I think.

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