Monday, July 25, 2005


Dripping Pussy/The weekend in review


I found that I get more hits if I put things like that in the title.

Thursday night:
My older brother and I went to see our oldest friend. See he is moving to Alaska. He spent some time there in the army and then he learned how to screen print and came home to Manhattan Kansas to open a business. And for 15 years his business was very successful, but he couldn’t get rid of the wander lust and the wanting to get back to Alaska, so he is packing his suitcase, and flying out there on Aug. 6th and his wife and child are driving up there in a couple weeks. We were there to say good by because who knows when we are going to be in Alaska next.

We have played a bastardized version of the classic board game “risk” that we have since re-named “Nuke Nuke” where we have introduced a set of rules and playing cards that allows us to use different weapons of mass destruction as well as mass prayer (there is an Armageddon card, where all of your troops basically pray for and if successful, get one of your opponents land to sink into the ocean…fun stuff) So we played that until the wee hours of the morning having much fun.

I had an appointment to go get some X-rays from my old chiropractor while I was there because I’m going to go see a specialist about my back problem that I have been having for the last couple of years, all caused of course by my fall while drunk at a party in college. Well he was very accommodating and of course a hell of a lot cheaper then any other Dr. who would have charged me $150+ , instead if the cool 90 that my boy did. Anyway after comparing a set of x-rays from 7 years ago from when I broke my floating rib(slipped on some ice and landed on my side on a ½ barrel planter) he showed me that my arthritis has increased drastically.

I was not ready for this.

I was thinking I would be at least 50 before this kind of shit happened. I will be 38 in 5 days and I don’t want to have back surgery.

The rest of the weekend was spent at my dad’s helping him make sure the puppies in his welping shed stayed cool, and alive, so he wouldn’t lose a couple of thousand dollars worth of puppies.

Oh on a cool note My boy that is heading into Alaska had a garage full of “want it take it” items, and if you could drop a few bucks into a donation jar to help pay for gas to Alaska. I got a elliptical trainer( A really good one, worth possibly 800.00) a cordless weedeater and some hedge trimmers. I also reclaimed my cooler, two books, and a wrench set. So I threw him some cash and all is groovy in the set up of the home gym! I’m loving life! I just wish my Country club would hurry up and get that steam room built so I could play 9, take a steam and have a cocktail creating the illusion that I was extremely rich!

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